Optimized for Java 21 with support for G1 and ZGC garbage collectors.
Memory Distribution
Heap Memory: 384MB
Young Generation: 154MB
Old Generation: 230MB
Non-Heap Memory: 344MB
Metaspace: 150MB
Code Cache: 64MB
Thread Stacks: 85MB
Compressed Class: 45MB
Other Memory: 44MB
Direct Buffers: 10MB
Native Memory: 22MB
JVM Overhead: 12MB
Recommended Total Memory: 776MB
Includes a safety margin of 4MB (0.52%)
Recommended JVM Parameters for Java 21
-Xms268m -Xmx384m
Sets the minimum and maximum heap sizes. Making them equal reduces memory reallocations. It is recommended to set Xms to 70% of Xmx to allow dynamic adjustments without wasting initial memory.
The G1 is the default garbage collector in Java 21. It is a low-latency collector that divides the heap into regions, ideal for heaps larger than 4GB and applications requiring predictable pause times.
Sets the maximum pause time goal for G1 collections in milliseconds. G1 will attempt to adjust its behavior to keep pauses below this value. A lower value results in shorter pauses but may reduce throughput.
Sets the stack size for each thread. The default value is usually sufficient. Increase it if you encounter StackOverflowError exceptions or deep recursion.
Space reserved for JIT-compiled code. Important for applications that use a lot of dynamic code or have many classes. Increase it if you see messages about a full code cache. You can check the current value with the parameter -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal.
Maximum limit for direct memory (NIO). Important for applications that use a lot of NIO or Netty. A value that is too high can cause native OOM issues.
Exit the JVM when an OutOfMemoryError is encountered. This can help avoid a situation where the JVM keeps running and consuming more memory without being able to recover.
Unlocks additional diagnostic options for JVM, enabling more advanced configuration and debugging options.
Enables Native Memory Tracking (NMT) and provides a summary of native memory usage. Useful for diagnosing memory issues related to native memory allocations.
Prints statistics about native memory usage. Helps in debugging and understanding the memory consumption of native code.